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Insights to Young Women’s Participation - Webinar #2 "Empowering young women to lead their experiences"

Insights to Young Women’s Participation - Webinar #2 "Empowering young women to lead their experiences"

This webinar looks at how the pressures by adults or unwanted competitive environments can affect girls' confidence. Learn how if girls feel empowered to lead the activity or set the expectation themselves, they will gain more confidence.

Insights to Young Women's Participation in Sport and Active Recreation Webinar Series. With Ash Peters, Isla Day and Megan Longman

Young women's confidence in their abilities decreases during their teen years. Only 49% of 16-year-olds think they are good at physical activity compared to 76% of 12-year-olds.

When girls feel more capable in their ability, they will feel a sense of achievement and grow more confident to participate.

During this webinar, we hear from WORD and Journeys about how they built a co-design delivery approach and empowered young women and leaders. 

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