Good Practice Guide - Increasing participation of Muslim women and girls
This guide is intended to help improve the participation of Muslim women and girls (Muslimah) in outdoor activities. It describes strategies for outdoor centres, instructors, and leaders to improve religious and cultural sensitivity. It aims to create an inclusive environment that reduces or removes barriers to participation for Muslimah.
Why these guidelines were created
• To reduce the barriers to participation by Muslimah in outdoor activities, such as unintentional or unconscious bias, and address the potential for discriminatory behaviour.
• To increase cultural competency and awareness of outdoor operators and instructors in accommodating Muslimah in outdoor activities. To ensure Muslimah have their needs met.
• To reassure parents of Muslimah youth that religious and cultural accommodations can and are being made.
• To improve the physical and mental wellbeing of Muslimah while helping them to connect with the land where they live.
• To foster positive social interaction and collaboration among diverse groups.