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Women and Girls Strategy in Sport and Active Recreation - Sport NZ Commitment Progress Report

Women and Girls Strategy in Sport and Active Recreation - Sport NZ Commitment Progress Report

In October 2018, New Zealand's Prime Minister launched a government strategy for women and girls in sport and active recreation. This report celebrates some important key milestones, that are working to address the under-representation of women and girls in sport and active recreation.

Commitment Progress Report Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation

In October 2018, the Prime Minister launched a government strategy for women and girls in sport and active recreation. On the same day Sport NZ published 24 commitments - backed by a $12.7m investment - to deliver momentum to the collective action required to achieve the vision of every woman and girl realising their potential in and through sport and active recreation.

The strategy is shaped around 3 pillars: leadership, participation, and value and visibility. It was built on and shaped by momentum here and internationally towards empowering women and girls through being active in sport and recreation, whether as a participant, athlete, leader, employee, or volunteer.

The outline below shows a snapshot of key achievements within the three pillars, please use the link below to view the full report including details of all 24 commitments.

Leadership Highlights

91% of Sport NZ partner organisations confirming 40% target of self-identified women on boards

62% women coaches selected on the Coaching for impact programme for coaches working with secondary school age athletes

Participation Highlights

70 partner initiatives with an explicit focus on women and girls for the investment period 2021- 2024

$2.0m to support nine projects supporting participation and leadership initiatives for young women

Value and Visibility Highlights

1/3 of all New Zealand sports coverage is being analysed in a two-year study to understand gender balance in sports media coverage and sports reporting

2000+ attendees participated in one or more of the three annual Sport NZ Women and Girls Summits

Leadership - Hikitia te hā o hineohuone, Uplift the presence of hineahuone


Deliver initiatives to increase the number of women in leadership coaching roles within the high performance system.


2.7m committed in Women in High Performance Sport pilot designed to increase leadership and coaching opportunities for women in the high performance system.

Three initiatives have been delivered as a result of this pilot; a residency fund to create nine new leadership roles within National Sporting Organisations (NSOs), Te Hāpaitanga (a coach deveopment programme with an intake of 14 women in 2020 and 16 in 2021), and a resulting satellite programme connecting an additional 22 female coaches.

Women in High Performance sport symposium by High Performance Sport NZ in 2019.

Participation - Hāpaitia te hā o hineohuone, Take hold of the presence of hineahuone


Continue to work with current sport and active recreation partners to enhance the quality of opportunities and experiences for women and girls.


Sport NZ core investment and partner plans now include a specific focus on initiatives directed towards getting more young women and girls active.

Over 70 initiatives across different investment areas have an explicit focus on women and girls.

Value and Visibility - Tau ai te hā o hineohuone, Make manifest the presence of hineahuone


Monitor and publish a media audit and social media index related to the portrayal of women and girls in the media.


Sport NZ contracted iSentia to publish reports which explore gender balance in sports media coverage and sports reporting.

The first report, published in May 2021, covers 14 months from July 2019 to December 2020 (excluding March to June 2020, where the study was paused due to COVID-19).

The study, which also involves extensive stakeholder engagement, has now evolved to tract additional metrics and include the publication of additional case studies.

To read the full report click here

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