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About Chantal

(Ngā Puhi, Ati Haunui A Paparangi)

Chantal yet known as Shorty, has a whakapapa of Māori and Niuean, born and bred in Tāmaki Mākaurau, married to Rhyannon and parent to their son Kit Mānihera.

She has 20+ years’ experience building a career in the Sport, Recreation and Education sectors working with New Zealand Rugby (NZR), Auckland Rugby and Unitec Institute of Technology. Between 2018 - 2020 she worked as Auckland Rugby’s Club Capability Manager and currently works at Unitec as a Senior Lecturer in Community Studies. Her teaching areas are in Exploring Leadership and Developing Active & Healthy Communities.

Shorty’s first rugby role was as NZR Women’s Rugby Development Officer (2006 – 2012) where she’s been a change agent in the growth of women and girls’ rugby through junior to senior structures. She continues to be a strong female advocate as well as a community activator as the Secretary for Ponsonby Rugby Club & was a Pacific Ambassador for Rugby World Cup 2021 (played in 2022).

Shorty is growing in her governance experience being involved in the WISPA Māori Roopu - He Wahine Toa Kei Te Kokiri, this year completing the Oceania Rugby governance course with the Institute of Directors NZ and has started her PhD with AUT in the field of Kaupapa Māori leadership in sport governance.

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