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Podcast: The Business Case For Woman's Sports - Ep.#103 What parity and surveymonkey's research revealed about what international consumers think about woman's sports Ep.#103 What parity and surveymonkey's research revealed about what international consumers think about woman's sports, ft. Phil Thomson

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Podcast: The Business Case For Woman's Sports - Ep.#103 What parity and surveymonkey's research revealed about what international consumers think about woman's sports

Ep.#103 What parity and surveymonkey's research revealed about what international consumers think about woman's sports, ft. Phil Thomson

In episode #103 of 🎙️The Business Case For Women’s Sports, presented by Ally, hear from Phil Thomson, the Chief Data Scientist at Parity.

Parity just released what could be the largest study of women’s sports fandom ever.

In partnership with SurveyMonkey, Parity polled over 14,000 global consumers to find out who’s watching women’s sports, why, and what they think of women athletes.

Their research revealed that:👇

  • 📺 73% of people watch women’s sports at least a few times a year, and a higher percentage of *men* watch women’s sports more frequently than women.
  • 🛒 Women’s sports fans are 2.8x more likely to purchase a product recommended by a female athlete than by another type of influencer.
  • 🛍 32% of *all* women's sports fans are more likely to purchase from a brand that supports women's sports or partners with women athletes, and that number jumps to 44% for U.S. *female* fans of women's sports specifically.
  • 📈 25%-33% of women’s sports fans are watching more women’s sports this year compared to last year.
  • 💰 50% or more of respondents believe that brands are not investing enough in women’s sports compared to men’s sports.

In this episode, hear Phil & Caroline dig into the glass-shattering research, and hear the newest data behind why it’s good business to invest in women’s sports.

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